Solent Partners set to boost region’s collective growth and sustainability

Solent Partners was introduced today to firmly establish a nationally recognised, industry-led partnership to promote the collective prosperity and sustainability of the Solent economy.

Solent Partners has evolved from the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and is a collaborative force incorporating services and initiatives ranging from skills and careers to business support and partnership working opportunities.

Rachael Randall, Chair of Solent Partners, said: “Solent Partners will build on the achievements of the Solent LEP to support the ambitions of our partners and bring about the best possible outcomes for our region’s economic success. We’re proud of what our team has achieved so far, and as Solent Partners we can harness the exciting opportunities that make our region so successful and provide what’s needed to deliver the kind of prosperity, profitability and sustainability that’s possible when energised business leaders come together.

“Solent Partners is in a unique position to collaborate, foster innovation and nurture long-term local economic prosperity. It will continue to work with partners across all sectors to support businesses, develop talent, promote net-zero, encourage inward investment, and grow the Solent’s sector strengths.

“This innovative collaboration will allow new partnerships to develop across the Solent, add value and make a bigger impact in the region in the coming years.”

Solent Partners is committed to working with partners across the region to deliver shared ambitions, empowering a prosperous and sustainable future and ensuring the region reaches its full potential.

Councillor Steve Pitt, Leader of Portsmouth City Council, said: “I look forward to continuing to work with Solent Partners, building on the strong foundations laid by the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership which have brought enormous benefits across the Solent. I have no doubt that we will continue to work successfully together on the truly critical task of sustaining confidence among businesses and organisations across the area to promote the collective prosperity and sustainability of our region.”

Councillor Satvir Kaur, Leader of Southampton City Council, said: “Partnership working will be critical to unlocking the significant potential of the Solent Economy, and raising prosperity for all in our region. I’m looking forward to continuing the work with Solent Partners, other local authorities and Business Leaders.”

Councillor Phil Jordan, Leader of the Isle of Wight Council, said: “The Isle of Wight continues to support and engage across Solent with our respective regional partners and is part of the economic powerhouse driving business, regeneration and development throughout our area.  I am pleased that Solent Partners can help to support and deliver our aspirations and achievements in an effective way, building on past projects and successes through the previous Solent LEP organisation.” 

Solent Partners has five fundamental priorities that support the aim for the region to become a world-class, innovative, dynamic low-carbon economy – a collective powerhouse that targets the long-term goals set out in the Solent 2050 strategy. These are:

  • Connect – Connecting organisations across the private, public, education, research, and third sectors. Convening Solent businesses and industry with national government and partners across the UK and internationally.
  • Advocate – Championing and showcasing the Solent’s excellence on the regional, national and international stage. Solent Partners will evidence economic opportunities and challenges to make the case for investment and intervention.
  • Lead –  Providing independent, business-led, strategic economic and sector leadership for the Solent, through ongoing, evidence-based strategic economic planning.
  • Collaborate – Engaging widely with business and industry to ensure its strategy and programmes are current and impactful, and that its partnerships are inclusive and reflective of the Solent economy.
  • Deliver – Delivering programmes to grow the Solent economy, support businesses, spark innovation, develop talent, promote NetZero, encourage inward investment, and grow sector strengths.

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