Green & Sustainable Business Hub

Welcome to our Green and Sustainable Business Hub to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make changes to move towards Net Zero. We’re here to support businesses based in the Solent join the UN’s Race to Zero – a global effort to reduce greenhouse gases – saving local businesses money while reducing and mitigating against the impacts of climate change.

In this Hub, local businesses will be able to find information, tools and resources to help them become more sustainable; and access to direct support from the Solent Partners Growth Hub.

Why would my business want to be greener?

By combining compliance issues with energy efficient measures that conserve the earth’s resources, a business can become more efficient, and reduce their overall costs.

How to get involved?

SMEs can take action by signing up, and in doing so will be recognised by the United Nations Race to Zero campaign. Join governments, businesses, cities, regions, and universities around the world that share the same mission.

What Business Support is available?

In an ever changing landscape and environment, making your business environmentally friendly has never been so important. Here we set out examples of the support that is available, how can you access funding and advice to help you adopt sustainable practices and become greener.

How we are supporting a Greener Solent

We set out our own commitment to improving the environmental well-being of the Solent in our Assurance Framework in section 2.4 – in it we state that we are committed to ensuring that our activity is sustainable.

Energy Hub: Support for Green Energy projects

The Solent is part of the South West Energy Hub set up in late 2018. They work with organisations and communities across the South West and the Solent region, to identify, develop and implement low carbon energy projects.


Key dates of national and regional steps towards Net Zero

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help adults and children learn and share digital skills

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